Trump hitler parallels
Trump hitler parallels

But the rise of his power and what he did to scapegoat certain parts, especially the Jewish community in Germany, and how he utilized going after the media, going after and scapegoating people and blaming people and putting fear and taking over the military, that’s what this Governor is doing,” Fried said. America first and together we can make it wealthy again. Both the small artisans and the middle class have been left impoverished. “Do I think that we’re going to get to the extent of Hitler’s power? Of course not. Hitler: Millions of German people are suffering from poverty because of the lack of employment resulting from economic crisis. A 1,000-page German biography of Hitler has become a US bestseller after a review implied parallels with Donald Trump. Their constant actions of Freight in the streets just like the brown shirts did during the Hitler regime, Stripping the public of their guns, causing separation of race and religion, limiting and eventually illuminating the first amendment, freedom of speech. “And in doing so to make fear, to instill that, to blame people for what is happening in their lives, blaming certain parts of our society and our culture, and that’s exactly what Hitler did to Jews back in World War II.”įried discounted a question about whether she was in danger of invoking Godwin’s Law by saying “not at all.” Making Trump sound like Hitler when the contrary, the Democrats seem to have that position. More than 20 other states have a state-controlled defense force.įried asserted the militia concept was “different” in Florida than in other states because “this Governor’s using it for the sole purposes of power.” One of the themes in a lot of the historical scholarship about Germany in the 1920s and 1930s is how Hitler and the Nazis were able to take advantage of the systemic weaknesses of Weimar: the cracks in the political structure, the division. And without mentioning or even alluding to Hitler or fascism, the book raises an interesting if unexpected parallel about Trump’s and Hitler’s rise to power. In an op-ed last week, David Lee Preston, himself a child of Holocaust survivors, argued that. I’ve been reading David Cay Johnston’s excellent book The Making of Donald Trump. Capitol was later attacked by a mob of Trump supporters. I said (to school officials), ‘I’m not pulling these facts out of my hat. President Donald Trump gesturing while speaking to the crowd during a Save America rally at the Ellipse in Washington on Jan. Venmo: for this episode: Penny the Snitch by Ikebe Shakedown.Fried referred to a proposal to revive the Florida State Guard, an auxiliary force at the Governor’s command in emergencies, to take pressure off the National Guard. Hitler’s persecution of Jews and rise to power has ‘remarkable parallels’ to Trump’s comments on Latinos, Blacks and Muslims in his own bid for power, he said, reported the Mercury News. Find one near you and join in! Send your comments to or Connect with the movement at and support: Protests continue this week against the unrelenting stream of police murders across the country. In order to stay in power, they need to disenfranchise racial minorities, low-income voters and anyone else who might be inclined not to support Republican politicians." The Republicans who 'believe' in Trump's Big Lie do so not because there is any logical argument that Biden stole the election, but because they don't want to admit that a majority of Americans do not support their policies. Trump’s most recent big lie is that the upcoming election will be tainted by fraud resulting from giving more Americans the opportunity to vote by mail, something millions, including Trump.

Trump hitler parallels full#

Ron Rosenbaum has written an wonderfully perceptive article for The Los Angeles Review of Books comparing the rise of Adolf Hitler in pre-war Germany to the elevation of Donald Trump to the White House which I have reproduced in full below. "The Germans who 'believed' in Hitler's Big Lie did so not because he had any proof that Germany had been stabbed in the back, but because they hated Jews, hated leftists and wanted to restore the German Empire to its pre-World War I glory. The Uncanny And Disturbing Parallels Between Adolf Hitler And Donald Trump. Sam Goldman interviews Matthew Rozsa about his recent article for : Trump's Big Lie and Hitler's: Is this how America's slide into totalitarianism begins? which reads in part:

Trump hitler parallels